Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the marks in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and is considered as one of the most common neurological diseases. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is after the epilepsy the second most common neurological disorder in younger adults.
In contrast to the popular belief, MS does not necessarily lead to severe disabilities. Even years after the beginning of the disease at least 50% of all patients are still able to walk.
The disease is characterized by two features. On the one hand inflammatory centers occur in the brain and in parts of the spinal cord and on the other hand it comes to cellular damage to the axons, which means that in the course of the disease it comes to reduced conductivity of neural pathways. Multiple Sclerosis can cause almost any neurological symptom.
Multiple Sclerosis has different progressive forms. The term of episodic acute period is important for the understanding of the disease and their different forms. An impulse is defined as the occurrence of new or the resurgence of known clinical symptoms that persist for more than 24 hours and which are based on a flammable damage of the central nervous system.
An episodic acute period lasts mostly a few days up to a few weeks. Depending on whether the symptoms regress fully or only partially, we speak of a complete or incomplete remission.
The effects of ms on the bladder function:
In the course of their disease around 80% of MS patients develop bladder problems. This often leads to an overactive bladder, because the nerve damages result into an uncontrollable urge to urinate, even when the bladder is not full.
Many patients can not fully empty the bladder. The pelvic floor and sphincter muscles surrounding the urethra contract spontaneously when emptying the bladder. This leads to a closure of the urethra and the bladder can‘t be drained completely. The residual urine causes immediately a new urge to urinate and this requires a more frequent going to the toilet.
The history of MS can vary greatly, and there are phases in which the patients are suffering more problems with the urinary excretion, and there are periods of relatively stable bladder function. However, a consistent treatment of problems with the bladder emptying is very important. Residual urine can lead to urinary tract infections which can lead to new episodic acute periods or trigger a relapse for already subsiding symptoms.