Stress incontinence
At stress urinary incontinence it comes through an increase in pressure in the abdomen, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting to an involuntary loss of urine. The cause is a weakening of the sphincter at the bladderneck.
Stress incontinence is the most common form of bladder weakness and is found far more often in women than in men. The causes of a stress urinary incontinence are varied and range from simple bladder infections to cancer. The most common reason is however the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, often triggered by pregnancies. The stress incontinence occur in men often after a prostate surgery.
There are distinguished three severity levels in the stress urinary incontinence.
Level 1: Incontinence when coughing, sneezing, lifting...
Level 2: Incontinence at rapid body movements
Level 3: incontinence at non exhausting movements, lying down
Conservative treatment:
- pelvic floor training
- biofeedback
- vaginal weights treatment
- medication
Operational handling:
- TVT-"tension-free vaginal tape"
- implacement therapy
- artificial sphincter